Rogers B & B Tour 2012 Winter

We’ve been waiting for all the cards to fall in place.  They finally did after some careful planting of seeds, frugal living and saving, extensive research and planning, and being fortunate that our orchard has become ever so fruitful.

So we bought our RV and are now headed out to see America and perhaps beyond.  The story unfolds as we document our travels with photos and videos and share them with our friends and families.    Perhaps we’ll stimulate some dreaming, planning and new beginnings!


It started with a 3 year dream

RV 101

1. Save, Plan, Save some More

2. Buy RV

  1. -Catch the red eye out of HNL

  2. -Catch the 2.5 hr Phx to Sedona Shuttle

  3. -Meet Paul and Sylvia

  4. -Check out the RV

  5. -Empty our pockets

3. Check out Arizona





Cave Creek
